Dealing with Heartbreak, Grief & Loss? You Are Not Alone.
This topic is one of the toughest for us. When something important in your life ends, it’s hard. Whether it’s a long term relationship that ends in a breakup, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one, it can turn your world upside down. Dealing with heartbreak can put you in a tailspin that drops you down a deep hole.
These articles and inspiring video conversations, with women who have inspiring stories to share, are intended to offer ideas and insights so your journey through heartbreak can be made easier and you feel better soon.
How to Get Back on Track after a Season of Setbacks
If there has ever been a season ripe for setbacks, 2020 is it. And a long season it has been—with no clear end in sight. So, how do we get back on track when someone moved the track? Good question. First of all, don’t think you’re alone—far from it. Even the most...
How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (So You Can Feel Joy)
Do you compare yourself to others and feel inadequate, jealous, or resentful? Does it feel like something is missing, and you get depressed, unable to move forward because you’re waiting for it to change? The question becomes, how do you stop comparing yourself to...
Why Letting Go of Anger And Resentment Is Critical If You Want to Find Happiness Again
Let’s get really honest right now, and answer these questions: are you happy with your life? Do you feel free? How grateful are you overall? If your answers are “not so happy, free, or grateful,” I have one more question: What is holding you back from feeling those...
Ambiguous Loss—Of The Life We Once Loved
Ambiguous loss. It started slowly at first—a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease, which was likely causing the pain radiating down his leg. Four surgeries later, with minimal relief, a regular regimen of injections, pain medications, and nerve blockers, his life...
How to Stop Feeling Guilty & Set Yourself Free
Guilt is a universal emotion, and women feel it especially profoundly. You can feel guilty about how a situation turned out, or someone can guilt you into doing something you’d rather not do. After this, you may feel guilty about doing it. Or, you might experience...
Why The Grieving Process Seems To Take Forever (Plus 9 Gems You Gain Along The Way)
The grieving process is an enigma. For some, it seems to pass quickly after the initial shock wears off. For others, it can take forever, or so it seems. The journey depends on how you choose to progress through the phases—and these are tough choices. What I know for...
How to Process Grief When You Can’t Say Goodbye
If you listen to any news source, the stories are grim. But, COVID-19 hit too close to home this weekend, and it got me to thinking about how to process grief when we can’t be with our loved ones in the hospital. And what if they die and we can’t say goodbye? Our...
Losing A Child Changes You Forever. Here’s How To Rise Up, So It Makes You Stronger
For those who are reading this and know me, you might say, How would you know what it's like to lose a child? You’ve never had children!” That is true--at least not human children. However, even though I have not experienced this particular loss, I have felt massive...
How To Find Purpose In Life After Experiencing Profound Grief
After losing someone or something important, many questions may pop up for you. They may sound like this: Who am I now that my life has changed? Where do I go from here? How do I find purpose in life again? There is a lot of soul-searching involved in answering any...
Overcoming Bitterness After Betrayal: Recovering From Infidelity & Finding Joy Again
Bitterness is what lingers after you get past the anger and resentment of infidelity. It hangs on because you can’t stop thinking about what happened and how much it hurt. Overcoming bitterness is one of the hardest parts of feeling betrayed. But there is light at...
9 Reasons Why Breaking Up Can Be A Good Thing Despite How Much It Hurts
A breakup or divorce is painful, no matter how you slice it. It may feel as if the pain will never go away, and the fear of what is on the other side may be discomforting, maybe even overwhelming. If you believe, as I do, that there is almost always a silver lining...
Getting Over A Breakup? Here’s Why Breakups Are So Hard On Your Mind & Heart
Getting over a breakup is painful and needs your special attention. There are things going on in your head, like blame, that can make it even harder. Plus, there are things going on in your heart, like hurt, that can make it last longer. Being mindful that there...