by María Tomás-Keegan | Career Transition, Change, Choice
Bring something into your day today that brings you joy, whether it’s going on a walk with a friend or lighting a candle and enjoying a bubble bath. You deserve to feel joy, even during difficult times. Give yourself a big hug for taking care of you. It’s...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Change, Women in Transition
When life events rock your world it is difficult to think straight and move through the emotional roller coaster without getting thrown out of your seat. Learning to rely on past experience so you can meet adversity with endurance takes practice. Unfortunately, the...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Comfort Zone, Divorce, Transitions, Women in Transition
I awoke this grey winter morning feeling as dreary as the weather outside. I had a meeting with my staff to prepare for a critical client presentation—our relationship depended on it. With the meeting about to start, I couldn’t get my head in the game. My emotions...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Choices, Divorce, Guilt, Life Lessons, Life Transitions, Perspective, Self-care, Thrive, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
I was recently reminded by a friend about the importance of “unplugging” from those things that tend to zap our energy and leave us drained. The trick is to unplug without guilt. Can you do that? It’s one of the hardest things for women. My friend told me about her...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Belief, Change, Choices, Divorce, Inspiration, Life Transitions, Stuck, Transitions, Uncategorized, Women, Women in Transition
Have you ever been struggling with something in your life that seems insurmountable at the moment and you have no idea how you’re going to solve it or make it better? I struggled with something like that in the last few weeks. I’m developing a workshop and I had a...