by María Tomás-Keegan | Resiliency & Building Confidence, Uncategorized
Experiencing challenging times in life can test your mettle. Plus, it can take grit and courage to muster the inner strength to move forward.So let me ask you, when you encounter bumps in the road, how do you react? Are you able to deal effectively with adversity and...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Personal Power and Self-Care, Uncategorized
In times of uncertainty, it becomes even more important to listen to your inner voice. It can guide you through the fear and panic that can prevail, and provide hope and a new perspective. But which voice do you hear? And, which one will you heed? To illustrate the...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Belief, Change, Choices, Divorce, Inspiration, Life Transitions, Stuck, Transitions, Uncategorized, Women, Women in Transition
Have you ever been struggling with something in your life that seems insurmountable at the moment and you have no idea how you’re going to solve it or make it better? I struggled with something like that in the last few weeks. I’m developing a workshop and I had a...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Uncategorized
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