by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
One thing is for sure, we each have many stories that weave a tapestry in our lives. Often, just when we think we’ve got one story fully woven, something or someone pulls on a thread, or pushes an old button, and it’s as if we become unraveled. We may find ourselves...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Disabilities are often apparent—someone is in a wheelchair, or has a dog companion to help them. Yet, other impairments may not be visible. In this week’s story, we hear about a disability that is not obvious, and the shame and embarrassment my next guest felt by the...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
“Attitude is everything!” How many times have you said that when you meet someone who is going through a terrible time, yet faces it with a positive attitude? That inspires me. I believe my next guest is a shining example. This episode’s inspiring conversation is with...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Have you ever pretended at your job or in a relationship that everything is okay, when deep inside it isn’t? I have. It doesn’t feel good. And, my next guest has a story to share about her journey through those feelings and what she did to change them … This episode’s...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Do you know your purpose in life? Many of you do, I’m certain of that. But, if not, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to know it without question? My next guest calls her purpose her anchor. She has been through more of life’s upside-down moments than...