Accepting & Adapting to Life As it Changes
Why does it matter that you adapt to life change?
The truth is, you can’t get away from change, because your life is designed for it.
For example, babies are born and people die. You grow as a child and shrink as you get old. Gaining weight and losing it–another change. A great mood greets you in the morning, then something happens to change it.
Change. It’s how the world works. Accepting change is the first step. Learning to adapt to life change comes next.
How much is life changing for you? Do you deal with change well? Are you one of those people who shudders just to think about it? Does it paralyzed you? Or, do you welcome it with open arms and embrace all the new possibilities that can come as you adapt to change?
These blog posts and inspiring video conversations are intended to offer insights and tips on change, accepting change and adapting to change with more dignity and grace.
11 Reasons Why A Positive Attitude Is Critical When Dealing With Change (Especially Change You Didn’t Want)
Dealing with change can feel as if it is sucking the life out of you. When things radically shift in your life, and you feel out of control, it may be the right time to check in with your attitude about that which is changing and how it affects you. Have you been...
If You Compromise Values to Keep the Peace, You Play a Risky Game
Compromise is not a bad thing. We do it all the time with family and friends, at work, and in other relationships. It can be a good thing. Here’s where it can get risky: when you compromise values to keep the peace, you are giving up a core piece of yourself. For...
Overcoming Bitterness After Betrayal: Recovering From Infidelity & Finding Joy Again
Bitterness is what lingers after you get past the anger and resentment of infidelity. It hangs on because you can’t stop thinking about what happened and how much it hurt. Overcoming bitterness is one of the hardest parts of feeling betrayed. But there is light at...
22 Quotes About Change and Gratitude
I compiled these motivating quotes about change and gratitude for you because they help me when I need inspiration. Like you, I dance in many roles: daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, colleague, entrepreneur, caregiver, nurturer, and wife. Each one requires the...
Why Life Changes Can Be So Hard To Accept
Am I the only one who wonders why life changes are hard? When the ancient Greek philosopher said, “the only thing that is constant is change,” he must have had a crystal ball looking right into this year that is upon us. I don’t know about you, but I feel as if the...
A Simple Formula For Living Through Difficult Transitions (Simple Doesn’t Always Mean Easy)
Life transitions are hard to face. As we go through them, we are changed, and nothing is the same again. Sometimes, I wish there was a manual we could reference when life events knock us upside down. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a simple formula for living through...
Choose to be Visible and SHINE! A Conversation with Rebecca Hall Gruyter
Rebecca Hall Gruyter shares her story of survival, overcoming and discovering her own voice so she could help others learn to be visible and shine.
8 Reasons Why Life Changes After Getting Married
Not all life transitions are paved in grief and loss. Some are joyous, with reason to celebrate. Regardless of the type of transition you face, they are all life-changing and require you to become more accepting. Take marriage, for example—there are so many reasons...
When Life Changes & Becomes Harder: 10 Ways It Makes You Stronger
Change can be unsettling, uncomfortable and unwelcomed. When life changes and becomes harder for you to cope, it is a test of your courage, stamina, and heart. Facing change may be difficult. You might pull the covers over your head or run like the dickens in the...
How Do You Know When to Move on from a Relationship?
You create many relationships in your life. Some work out well, while others not so much. Relationships are complicated and require a commitment of time and energy to be fulfilling. When they are not working in your favor, it’s helpful to know when to move on from a...
8 Strategies For Coping With Life Changes And Transitions
Change is certain to happen. According to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “The only thing that is constant is change.” If this is true, and I believe it is, coping with life changes and transitions should come more easily to everyone, don’t you think? Yet, many...
Why Are Major Life Changes So Stressful?
Major life events are not everyday occurrences, and they can bring up all kinds of emotions that can stop you in your tracks. These are times in life that can knock you off your foundation and you get turned you upside down. Pivotal moments like these can make you...