This episode’s guest will help you learn some practical tips that will shift your perspective when life has you turned upside down.
Vindy Teja watched her normally charmed-life turning upside down when several events piled up.
As the life-changing events piled up, she realized that her normal way of plowing through wasn’t working anymore, and she needed to find a way to reimagine her life now that so much had changed. Loss, infertility, birth, more loss, and divorce took its toll. Learn how Vindy dug deep, then hacked her way back to happiness.
This episode is called Hacking Your Way to Happiness. I invite you to eavesdrop on our conversation on RHGTV Network—the Empowered Connections Channel… as Vindy shares some of her happiness hacks. Some of these hacks may work for you, too.
from Upside Down to Right Side Up: Tips for the Transition
Vindy Teja: Hacking Your Way to Happiness