by María Tomás-Keegan | Belief, Change, Choices, heal, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
What comes to you when you think about the word “heal?” You may immediately think of something physical, like a broken bone, a burn or cut. I’d like you to think a bit deeper than that. Think about your life. Think about your relationships – with people, with your...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Change, Choices, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
How do you cope with change? Change is ever present in our lives and there is no getting around it. Whether the crocus pokes through the winter snow, the leaves turn a brilliant red in autumn, the caterpillar turns into a butterfly or the tide ebbs and flows, there...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Change, Choices, Inspiration, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
Over the years, I have been inspired by many poets, novelists, songwriters and the like. When words are put together in a certain way and they convey a message or conjure an image that speaks to my heart or my soul, it feels like divine intervention – inspired...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Career Transition, Change, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
Join the club! Recently, I’ve been talking with women about where they rank in their own lives. More often than not I’m hearing that they are way down on the list. Making sure her kids get where they need to be, focusing on her career responsibilities, taking care...