Accepting & Adapting to Life As it Changes
Why does it matter that you adapt to life change?
The truth is, you can’t get away from change, because your life is designed for it.
For example, babies are born and people die. You grow as a child and shrink as you get old. Gaining weight and losing it–another change. A great mood greets you in the morning, then something happens to change it.
Change. It’s how the world works. Accepting change is the first step. Learning to adapt to life change comes next.
How much is life changing for you? Do you deal with change well? Are you one of those people who shudders just to think about it? Does it paralyzed you? Or, do you welcome it with open arms and embrace all the new possibilities that can come as you adapt to change?
These blog posts and inspiring video conversations are intended to offer insights and tips on change, accepting change and adapting to change with more dignity and grace.
18 Things to Keep in Mind When Life Changes are Harder than You Ever Imagined Possible
Does your life feel more like the agony of defeat than the thrill of victory? It can feel that way when life changes are hard, and everything seems to be happening TO you rather than FOR you. What if making a few adjustments here and there could shift the tide a bit?...
How to Handle Grief and the Loss of Your Mother with Grace & Gratitude
The loss of your mother carries a different burden than the loss of other people in your life. At least that’s how I’ve experienced it. Somehow, it’s deeper and bores a big hole in your heart that can never be filled again—because you only have one mother. Some people...
My Hashimoto’s Nightmare: A Conversation with Alison Rand
Alison Rand, shares her health journey to find the answers, so she could enjoy the dream of motherhood she held since high school. What would you do if you spent five years feeling lousy, going from specialist to specialist, and hearing the docs say, “you’re just not...
Dream a New Dream When Life Happens
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~C. S. Lewis Big things happen in life — your company “divorces” you, a loved one passes on, a cheating husband is caught — big things. Your world as you know it turns upside down and you lose...
Permission Granted: A Conversation with Dr. Nadia Brown
Have you ever been in a job or created a new business and after a while you feel misaligned with it? You never expected that to happen because you used to love what you were doing. It was born from your heart and soul, as you created the brand for which...
5 Strategies To Help You Adapt To Change With Dignity and Grace
Why does it even matter that you learn to adapt to change? For one thing, you can’t get away from it. Your life is designed for change. Babies are born and people die. You grow as a child and shrink as you get old. You gain weight, you lose weight. You awaken in a...
3 Ideas to Help When You’re Starting a New Chapter in Life
I remember well how I was feeling after an early turning point in my life. My second marriage ended badly, and I felt alone and isolated. It took several months for me to work through the emotions and stop pretending that I was okay. For the first time in a long time,...
Stop Being Stuck, Stressed, and Worried—Get Organized
Who hasn’t felt stuck, stressed or worried? There are so many reasons you might feel that way — each one unique to you and your circumstance. It might be caused by the clutter in the rooms of your life—the office, the kitchen, your mind. It’s hard to think clearly,...
From Rock Bottom to Life’s Purpose: A Conversation with Kim Richardson
Who else is a people pleaser? How many masks have you worn to show everyone you’re okay—when you’re really not. This episode's guest, Kim Richardson, did both these things until it took her into a very dark place. Her journey back will inspire you. Oh, the...
20 Life-Changing Moments That Reveal Something Powerful About Adult Choices
I’ve been thinking about life-changing moments for a while now. I work with women who are going through those moments that turn their world upside down, and they are profoundly changed. I’ve been through those times myself. As I thought about those times that...
11 Inspiring Quotes to Help You Make Good Choices
Do you know someone who feels trapped by indecision? Like they have no options? Many women who face big life changes get stuck in the rut of thinking there are no choices to be made—it is what it is and it’s never going to get better. Recently I’ve heard clients say...
The Key to Clearing the Mental Clutter
As you reflect on the past week and rest for one that will equally bless you in the days ahead. Set your intention for it. Clear the way. Which gets me to the theme of today’s post about clearing the mental clutter. Many people think of it as stuff around their...