
Do you feel like change in your life is constant?

It does seem that way to me too, sometimes—especially these days, as I work to build a new practice for coaching women through life transitions.  Although I’ve been training, mentoring and coaching for 20+ years, as well as working in marketing in the corporate world for as many years, it is a whole new ball game to become an entrepreneur.  It requires me to build the foundation for a thriving business, get comfortable to promote myself (I’m great at promoting others), learn the ins-and-outs of social media marketing, network to let people know what I do, and reach out for help from assistants, copywriters, coaches (yes, I have my own coaches!) and experts in business.  One thing I have learned for sure is, I am not meant to do this alone. 

Each one of these new things has taken me out of my comfort zone—in fact, I have been living on the edge for months.  YIKES!  All this change makes my head spin! 

The saving grace is I have become an expert on change—having been through more transitions in my life than you can shake a stick at!  So, I have learned a thing or two about how to manage through constant change.  At any given time when I get stuck, I can reflect back on one of my transitions when I felt this same kind of ‘stuck-ness’ and it helps to clear the fog so I can see where I need to head next.

Change can get you stuck, too

When you get stuck, what do you rely on to get you out?  Can you draw on past experience to guide you through to that freedom from stuck-ness?  Learning how to do that can be an invaluable technique when change happens. 

What is the first thing you do when a significant change in your life rears its ugly head?   Do you acknowledge the change and accept it?  Do you blame yourself in any way?  Can you forgive yourself and others as you accept the change for what it is?  How good are you at calming yourself so you can tap into your inner wisdom and strength?  What about sitting quietly to learn how the change will affect you?  Do you get clear insights as you do this?  Do those insights help to guide you forward with empowerment and confidence to make a plan that feels right to you?  Can you take action on that plan and make it happen?  Lots of questions, I know.  I feel strongly that the answers to those questions are the key to getting unstuck when those changes happen in your life.

Rapid Change

There are two resources I would like to share with you, both of which have great tips, lessons and techniques that will help you when your next change hits like a ton of bricks. 

The first is my own eBook, Transcending Transitions:  15 Ways to Ease Your Journey, the link for which is to the right of this blog post.  Feel free to download it as my gift to you.

The second is a book that I have had the privilege to co-author, along with a group of inspiring women, which will be published on July 15th.  It is called: Rapid Change: For Busy Heart-centered Women Who Want To Be the Best Version of Themselves.

Rapid Change book image-sm

In this book, 30 women, all experts in their field, have come together to help you simplify change. With our proven methods and models of success, you are given the tools to transition yourself from everyday surviving to everyday thriving, being the best version of you that you can be.

The benefits and empowerment of collaboration are endless. In this book you will tap into the knowledge of 30 extraordinary women who will broaden your horizons, raise your consciousness and lead you to better living through sharing their own experiences.

Rapid change is possible through the understanding and implementation of the techniques in this book.  So how do you reach the best version of you?

Take the first step:  click here and read more about the book, our mission and a telesummit that will introduce you to many of the authors personally (including me). Then, provide your eMail address in the box to the right and I will send you the link to the Amazon.com page to order your copy on July 15th.  It’s that easy.

I’m not kidding … this book could change your whole perspective on change in your life!  Be sure to get yourself a copy.


Make this your day ~~ Explore  …  Dream  …   Discover!


Maria Signature

Chief Inspiration Officer | SafeHarbor Coaching | For women facing life transitions


If you’d like to read more about the “art of transition,” request my free eBook:  Transcending Transitions:  15 Ways to Ease Your Journey, by completing the form to the right.

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