
Be Gentle with Yourself

I heard a song yesterday for the first time and its lyrics inspired me.  It also got me to thinking about how so many of us busy professional women can be pretty tough on ourselves.

If you haven’t heard the whole song by Karen Drucker, here are the full lyrics:

“Gentle with Myself”

I will be gentle with myself,

I will be gentle with myself

And I will hold myself like a newborn baby child.


I will be tender with my heart,

I will be tender with my heart

And I will hold my heart like a newborn baby child.


And I will only go as fast

as the slowest part of me feels safe to go.


I will be easy on myself,

I will be easy on myself

And I love myself like a new born baby child.


And I will only go as fast

as the slowest part of me feels safe to go.


I am gentle with myself,

I am gentle with myself

and I hold myself like a newborn baby child. 


And I rock myself like a newborn baby child.

And I hold myself like a newborn baby child.

And I love myself like a newborn baby child.


The progression of the lyrics is a great reminder to make a commitment to yourself, a promise, that you will be more gentle with yourself … that you will be more tender with your heart … that you will be easy on yourself.

My favorite part is this:  “I will only go as fast as the slowest part of me feels safe to go.”  Give yourself permission to slow down, listen to your intuition for guidance and let it flow naturally so that you feel safe.

It doesn’t mean to stand still … to do nothing because you’re out of your comfort zone.  It means to take baby steps as you move forward slowly so you can feel safe as you explore new options.

As you get more practiced, you will start to say the “I am” statements with confidence and believe that you are gentle and tender and easy with yourself.

This is when you know for sure that you’re taking the best care of you.

When you’re well and feeling safe, your journey forward is filled with ease and grace.

Sending {{{hugs}}} from my gentle heart to yours …
Maria Signature

P.S. If you’re a divorced professional woman and you want to share your best practices for being more gentle with yourself with other women who understand what you’re going through, join us in our private Facebook group called: Thrive after Divorce–Your Journey Begins. Click the group name and send a request to join. We’re here to connect and collaborate, share and support. Join us!