Tips for the Transition is a series of interviews with women who have inspiring stories to share—with wit and wisdom—as well as lessons which provide insights for the rest of us. These videos are intended to be a resource for women whose life has turned upside-down from a pile up of daily events or due to a major-life changing transition.
The videos are categorized for ease of finding what you need quickly. If you’re going through a divorce, some of the videos in that Transition Category may help. If finding time for Self-care is a challenge, you may find a video in that category that will provide some ideas and insights. As additional videos are added, you will find them in one or more of these categories, and additional categories will be added as it makes sense. So come back and visit this page as often as you need to and see if we have talked about an issue that would help you.
Finding the right resources to help women take any life event in stride while allowing themselves to heal on the inside, is an important part of recovery. I am committed to provide some of those resources and set a new standard for how women can Thrive for Life. The first lesson to learn: You don’t have to do this alone. Tips for the Transition is one way I can provide those resources.
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