So, You “Stuck Your Toe In”
and You’re Ready for More!
I’m happy to see you back to
complete the Thrive for Life Virtual Workshop
Parts 2 through 5 are just a click away …

Completing Part 1 put you in perfect position–
grounded right where you are; understanding the importance of starting from here;
and creating your personal Board of Directors, the support network you need to move to the next step.
In the continuation of this workshop you’ll discover:
What harmony and balance mean for you, where your life might need a bit more of each and what simple steps you can take to restore your sense of balance. (Part 2)
Get started on creating a new vision of a future that heals your heart, feeds your soul, and improves the quality of your daily life right away. (Part 3)
Tap into your true inner voice and learn to turn down the volume on “Negative Nellie” and “Debbie Downer” who sit inside your head, criticizing, judging and sabotaging you with self-talk that keeps you stuck. (Part 4)
Leave with personal winning strategies you can use over and over again, so you can move forward in confidence, with purpose and passion for your new life-at work, at home, and at play. (Part 5)
The Details – Parts 2 through 5
Part 2 starts February 24th and the workshop continues on consecutive Saturdays (Part 3-March 3rd; Part 4-March 10th; Part 5-March 17th)
10:00-11:30 am MST
Zoom Video Conference Platform from the comfort of your own home
Each Part will be recorded and made available to all those who register to complete the Workshop (including the recording of Part 1)-if you cannot make it to the live call on any of those dates, you can watch the recording and move through that Part on your own. These recordings are valuable to review, as well, to remind you of the powerful strategies you learned.
Invitation to join the private Facebook group Thrive for Life where you can continue your connection with the women in the group, meet more women as new groups join, support each other and get some coaching from me for those times when you get stuck and need help to work through it. The invitation to join will come in an eMail after you’ve registered to complete the workshop.
The investment for Parts 2 through 5 is $87 (Total Value $116) My gift to you is Part 5 for free ($29 discount).

María to decide what your next step could be, send an eMail to:
I’m Your Host & Facilitator Again
Hi, I’m María Tomás-Keegan, and my specialty is transitions. I love helping women like you find the courage to regain your footing and rediscover who you are now, after living through major life changes. As if the life changes aren’t difficult enough to deal with, many women condition themselves to bury their pain, ignore their feelings and just go through the motions of life. Coping. Surviving.
This hurts my heart to witness, so I am passionate about helping beautiful women like you to gently and compassionately move from surviving to thriving again.
I understand very well what it’s like to put on the mask every day pretending everything is fine. This is how I dealt with my first few major life events—and I’ve had many. Two divorces, loss of loved ones (too many to count), cross-country relocation, all while managing a busy corporate career. Then, a layoff, early retirement, and caregiving, while starting a new business, got heaped onto my life-change resume.
In the beginning, my personal life crumbled. I felt crushed, hopeless and out of control. As hard as I tried to be strong, it affected every area of my life. I was just coping; barely surviving. Until I got help.
The journey from dragging myself through difficult days to learning how to thrive led me to help other women like you. On my path, I got back in touch with myself, became whole again, and healthier than ever. If I could do it, you can do it too!
I encourage you to take a new look and design a new life based on your own values today and your vision for tomorrow. I help you step into your power again, so you can find the joy and begin to thrive.
I believe you can thrive through major life transitions when you realign with and honor your core values, get crystal clear about what you want in your next chapter, and take passionate action to make this your new reality. Sometimes you just need a little help from a friend and effective new tools in your toolbox.
I can be that friend and coach for you. Holding your highest vision for you and guiding you along the way. Cheering you on and believing in you. Offering you insights, wisdom, and compassion—with a healthy dose of wit along the way. Helping women like you to thrive again is why I became a Certified Life Coach, specializing in transition, and founded Transition & Thrive with María.
In this facilitated online workshop via Zoom video conference, you’ll join a small group of women who are going through similar things as you are. It will include insights, wisdom, humor, your downloadable workbook & journal … and a safe, supportive and loving environment.
The private Facebook group Thrive for Life, which you’ll be invited to join after registering, is a valuable part of this workshop. It gives you access to continuing support, a community of women who understand where you are today and where you’re going, and offers an opportunity for coaching if you’re stuck and want a helping hand to lift you gently back on track.
By the time we’ve finished the full workshop, you will have a new sense of what is possible for you, a vision that inspires you, personal strategies you can implement right away & an inspiring plan for moving forward so you can start on your own road to Thrive for Life.

Click the Register Now button and then complete your payment for $87. Expect to receive confirmation and reminder eMails so, be sure to ‘white list’ our eMail address, I’m looking forward to meeting you!