by María Tomás-Keegan | Personal Power and Self-Care
It is not new news that self-care is important; we hear it all the time from many different sources—health professionals, exercise gurus, coaches, to name a few. As a coach, I talk about it with my clients, I write about it often, and I do my best to practice what I...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change, Resiliency & Building Confidence
Major life events are not everyday occurrences, and they can bring up all kinds of emotions that can stop you in your tracks. These are times in life that can knock you off your foundation and you get turned you upside down. Pivotal moments like these can make you...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
Who hasn’t felt stuck, stressed or worried? There are so many reasons you might feel that way — each one unique to you and your circumstance. It might be caused by the clutter in the rooms of your life—the office, the kitchen, your mind. It’s hard to think clearly,...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Self-care, Stress, Stuck, Women in Transition
How many times have you been told to breathe when you’re feeling anxious or afraid or stressed out? I can’t count the times that I’ve been told by a yoga teacher, my doctor, a chiropractor and others to practice deep breathing when I’m stressed. When I do, it seems...