by María Tomás-Keegan | Inspiration
“Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas every day.” ~Helen Steiner Rice These Christmas quotes are shared with an intention: to help you check-in on what is important for you, as you close one decade and greet another. Spend some time alone to...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Divorce, Inspiration, Inspired Action
Taking inspired action puts fear in its place. Think about it. When you are in motion, moving in a direction that feels right, getting things done to support you in a positive way, there is little room for fear to take over. Oh, it may creep in here and...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Divorce, Inspiration, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women in Transition
It’s the start of another new year and, if this one goes by as fast as the last one, I’m going to need a lot of inspiration to get done everything I want to do this year. So I thought about how I can rally that inspiration for myself. I love music that moves me to...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Change, Choices, Inspiration, Life Transitions, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
Over the years, I have been inspired by many poets, novelists, songwriters and the like. When words are put together in a certain way and they convey a message or conjure an image that speaks to my heart or my soul, it feels like divine intervention – inspired...