by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
Confusion about the future runs rampant during a pandemic—I guess we should expect that. But what happens when the chaos continues for longer than anyone imagined? You might be wondering how to change your life while the world is upside down, and you don’t have a clue...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Breakups, Grief & Loss
Guilt is a universal emotion, and women feel it especially profoundly. You can feel guilty about how a situation turned out, or someone can guilt you into doing something you’d rather not do. After this, you may feel guilty about doing it. Or, you might experience...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
You might think that all turning points in life should be monumental moments that flip your world upside down and cause you to panic. Some are just that. For instance, he just left you for another woman. Now what? Or, you just lost your job—what’s next? But all life...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Personal Power and Self-Care, Uncategorized
In times of uncertainty, it becomes even more important to listen to your inner voice. It can guide you through the fear and panic that can prevail, and provide hope and a new perspective. But which voice do you hear? And, which one will you heed? To illustrate the...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
Change my mind? Oh, no! That would make me seem indecisive as if I don’t know what I want. Plus, I’ve invested too much already to change direction now! Sound familiar? Don’t get me wrong; being decisive and knowing what you want isn’t a bad thing. That is until...