by María Tomás-Keegan | Breakups, Grief & Loss
Guilt is a universal emotion, and women feel it especially profoundly. You can feel guilty about how a situation turned out, or someone can guilt you into doing something you’d rather not do. After this, you may feel guilty about doing it. Or, you might experience...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
You might think that all turning points in life should be monumental moments that flip your world upside down and cause you to panic. Some are just that. For instance, he just left you for another woman. Now what? Or, you just lost your job—what’s next? But all life...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
An incident over the weekend reminded me of how stepping back and taking a fresh perspective can help when something happens, and we react. Sometimes badly. For instance, when the gas grill ran out of propane as soon as we put burgers on. Everything after that went...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Accepting & Adapting to Life's Change
Dealing with change can feel as if it is sucking the life out of you. When things radically shift in your life, and you feel out of control, it may be the right time to check in with your attitude about that which is changing and how it affects you. Have you been...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Inspiration
As we close one decade and begin another, I hope you got a chance to recharge and spend precious time with family and friends. Here’s to a great start on a new decade, with both feet firmly on the ground, with energy and passion for what you do and a crystal-clear...