Free Training | Build Resilience
When life knocks you down, do you bounce back quickly?
Fill out the form below for ideas, insights, and life strategies to help you build resilience for life’s toughest moments.
Resiliency. It’s a buzzword. A goal. An “innate skill” you ought to have by now (or so they say). And yet for many, it’s as slippery as water through your fingers.
It might feel something like this …
– As life turned upside down, so did your sense of safety and security.
– Areas and activities you were good at before now seem challenging.
– You’re tired. Thread-worn. Sensitive. Frustrated. And lost.
– Your emotional backup tank is empty at the moment you need it the most.
– Not because your life is magically more difficult, but because the experience of feeling “worn out” has settled deep in your bones.

Your past answers don’t work on today’s questions.
And it seems there are more questions today than ever before…
It’s hard to bounce back when you’re feeling like this.
So, what does it take to build the resilience you need when life gets tough? A little help from a friend will get you started.
If we haven’t met yet, I’m María Tomás Keegan, a certified career strategist and life coach for women who are going through an upside-down time in life and looking for answers.
Since many of my clients struggle with the concept of bouncing back when life gets hard, I create free training modules to offer assistance in areas like building confidence, planning for the unexpected, and resilience.
This one is called: Discover Your Resilience When the Going Gets Tough. In this 30-minute FREE training, you’ll discover:
– What is resilience and why is it important?
– The top 6 characteristics of resilience, and
– 9 steps to bounce back when the going gets tough.
The video and workbook you will download
offer ideas, insights, and life strategies to help you
build resilience for life’s toughest moments.
The pathway to a resilient life is one littered with false starts and abandoned hopes and dreams. All too many women have “moments” of clarity about starting fresh or making a brave change, only to abandon them when the fear sets in or the skills to move forward seem out of reach.
The truth is no one is born knowing how to be resilient. We have role models who lead the way and without one, it’s hard to see the path forward.
I am that leader for my clients. Together, we will unpack the mess you’re in and rebuild your life. The lessons of resilience, self-confidence, and self-respect stop simply being words you’ve heard famous authors like Brené Brown say, and become words you live your life by.
If you’re ready for some guidance to get there, access your free training by clicking the button below.