Inspirational Words of Wisdom to Guide Your Journey Through Transition
Change can be a difficult thing to experience, and it can bring with it an abundance of stress and worry. During these times, you may find yourself in need of inspirational words of wisdom in order to help you move through and beyond this life-changing time.
I’ve found that stories — and inspirational words of wisdom from others who have walked similar paths — is a wonderful way to help me, and the women I work with, walk out of their darkness and into the light one step at a time.
It is my hope that you will find value in them as well, and feel inspired to share them with others who could use a little inspiration.
Change Quotes to Inspire You When it’s That Time Again
As we close one decade and begin another, I hope you got a chance to recharge and spend precious time with family and friends. Here’s to a great start on a new decade, with both feet firmly on the ground, with energy and passion for what you do and a crystal-clear...
The 22 Best Christmas Quotes
When you feel like the year has gone by too quickly, here are several inspirational quotes about Christmas to help remind you of the reason for the season.
12 Ways to Share Yourself this Holiday Season
As we move further into December and the season gets busier, I hope you are saving time for yourself. Sundays always seem like a good day to do that. Reserve some special time for you. I got a call from one of my sisters-in-love, my husband’s sister, Mary. Hearing...
Walking with Faith
I hope this is a day of rest and recharging for you. We all need to refuel and refill our cups so we can give from the overflow. Let’s do it together on this beautiful Sunday. I’m putting dinner in the crockpot, heading to church and then watching football with hubby...
Do you take inspired action to keep fear at bay?
Taking inspired action puts fear in its place. Think about it. When you are in motion, moving in a direction that feels right, getting things done to support you in a positive way, there is little room for fear to take over. Oh, it may creep in here and there--that's...
Are You Ready to Burst into Bloom?
What does it mean to "burst into bloom?" To me it means that I feel overjoyed by something. Something I've accomplished or created or nurtured has turned out well. When I "do what I love and love what I do" there is nothing that can stand in the way of my progress....
Even Strong Women Break Down
"Even strong women break down. It doesn't mean you're weak. It's means you're human." ~María Tomás-Keegan It also means there is a lesson to be learned somewhere. This is something I remind myself of a lot when things are not going the way I...
Write a Letter to You
Do you remember these lyrics? “I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter …” It’s an old song (written in 1935) and it has been made popular again in nearly every decade since then, most recently by Paul McCartney in 2012. You may have heard it. These lyrics...
Dinner Table Conversation
I ran into something the other day that captivated my imagination and I wanted to share it with you. How often have you found yourself at the dinner table with family or friends around you and there is awkward silence? How many times have you or your dinner companions...
The butterfly knows …
Have you ever been struggling with something in your life that seems insurmountable at the moment and you have no idea how you’re going to solve it or make it better? I struggled with something like that in the last few weeks. I’m developing a workshop and I had a...
What Inspires You?
It’s the start of another new year and, if this one goes by as fast as the last one, I’m going to need a lot of inspiration to get done everything I want to do this year. So I thought about how I can rally that inspiration for myself. I love music that moves me to...
Gifts from the Heart: Simply Celebrate
Have you ever met someone whose spirit engages you in the most incredible ways? I’ve met just such a person. She lifts my own spirit every time we chat … she always shares something that touches my heart … and she mirrors back to me all the good things she sees. ...