
Inspirational Words of Wisdom to Guide Your Journey Through Transition

Change can be a difficult thing to experience, and it can bring with it an abundance of stress and worry. During these times, you may find yourself in need of inspirational words of wisdom in order to help you move through and beyond this life-changing time.

I’ve found that stories — and inspirational words of wisdom from others who have walked similar paths — is a wonderful way to help me, and the women I work with, walk out of their darkness and into the light one step at a time.

It is my hope that you will find value in them as well, and feel inspired to share them with others who could use a little inspiration.

Dinner Table Conversation

Dinner Table Conversation

I ran into something the other day that captivated my imagination and I wanted to share it with you. How often have you found yourself at the dinner table with family or friends around you and there is awkward silence? How many times have you or your dinner companions...