Silencing Your Inner Critic, So You Stop Limiting Your Potential
Having 20/20 vision is a good thing. It means seeing things clearly and being able to move forward with purpose. Except, in this year of 2020, it seems as if just the opposite happened. It brought people to a standstill, caused a fog to settle in, and self-doubt and...
How to Get Back on Track after a Season of Setbacks
If there has ever been a season ripe for setbacks, 2020 is it. And a long season it has been—with no clear end in sight. So, how do we get back on track when someone moved the track? Good question. First of all, don’t think you’re alone—far from it. Even the most...
Has Life Turned You Upside Down? What’s Next?
We talk about getting unstuck, adapting to change, focusing on priorities, how to make good choices, and allow for creative thinking.
Are You Fulfilling Someone Else’s Vision?
Veronica Bahn helps us understand what a “side hustle” is and what it takes to create one. If you’ve considered moving out of corporate or creating an additional stream of income, don’t miss Veronica’s great ideas and tips.
Change is a Good Thing: 10 Reminders
Life changes happen! It is ever-changing. Sometimes changes in life confuse us or confound us, but they will always complete us---IF we listen and learn. Change is a good thing. As life changes for me (and I’m in the midst of a big one right now), I find inspiration...
The Era of Innovation is Here
Sonia Clark and I answer questions like, “what are the phases of transition?” “How can you approach new beginnings without fear?” “What does it mean to evolve and innovate in times of adversity?” And so many more.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (So You Can Feel Joy)
Do you compare yourself to others and feel inadequate, jealous, or resentful? Does it feel like something is missing, and you get depressed, unable to move forward because you’re waiting for it to change? The question becomes, how do you stop comparing yourself to...
Tired Of Feeling Insignificant? Here Are 5 Ways To Create Meaning In Your Life Right Now
Too small. Unimportant. Without power or influence. Meaningless. Those are the words that come to mind when I think of feeling insignificant. Everyone has momentary lapses, wondering do I matter? Does anyone notice? Am I making a difference? Does what I do matter?...
11 Self-care Strategies to Get You Back On Your Feet
Life got you down? If it makes you feel better, you’re not alone. There have never been more reasons to feel stressed and overwhelmed than in this era of the pandemic. And, it has never been more important to take care of yourself, so you don’t implode. Identifying...
11 Life Hacks to Help You Develop Resilience to Stress
Stress—that physical or emotional tension we feel in response to something that happens. Some manage it well, some not so much. Since we live in a world filled with rapid change, and much of it is not in our control, there are many opportunities to get tense, worried,...

Wise Choices Lead to Inspired Actions
I posted this “inspirational” message on my Facebook page the other day and today I noticed that it has been shared a lot and reached a very large audience. This message resonated highly with me, which is why I created the post and I’m thrilled that others like it,...

Do you suffer in silence?
I did suffer in silence most of the time. Sad but true. I would go about my morning routine with a smile on my face for all to see, preparing the coffee and breakfast, making sure everyone else was taken care of — then, I would get myself ready and leave for work. I’d...

Divorce—3 Tips for Making Yours Easier
What am I doing? "My life has been so wrapped up in this marriage and being a couple, I’m not sure I remember how to be me again." "I know I can’t keep on like this." "I’m just putting on a brave face and throwing myself into my career to keep myself very busy." "I’ve...

Are You Ready to Burst into Bloom?
What does it mean to "burst into bloom?" To me it means that I feel overjoyed by something. Something I've accomplished or created or nurtured has turned out well. When I "do what I love and love what I do" there is nothing that can stand in the way of my progress....

Fear You Need and Fear You Don’t Need
As I’m re-reading a book I love I’m thinking about how you might like it too. I’m thinking how valuable one of the many lessons is that Elizabeth Gilbert shares near the very beginning of her bestselling book, The Big Magic: Creative Living beyond Fear. Have you read...

Even Strong Women Break Down
"Even strong women break down. It doesn't mean you're weak. It's means you're human." ~María Tomás-Keegan It also means there is a lesson to be learned somewhere. This is something I remind myself of a lot when things are not going the way I...

Write a Letter to You
Do you remember these lyrics? “I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter …” It’s an old song (written in 1935) and it has been made popular again in nearly every decade since then, most recently by Paul McCartney in 2012. You may have heard it. These lyrics...

Unplug without Guilt
I was recently reminded by a friend about the importance of “unplugging” from those things that tend to zap our energy and leave us drained. The trick is to unplug without guilt. Can you do that? It’s one of the hardest things for women. My friend told me about her...

Dinner Table Conversation
I ran into something the other day that captivated my imagination and I wanted to share it with you. How often have you found yourself at the dinner table with family or friends around you and there is awkward silence? How many times have you or your dinner companions...

The butterfly knows …
Have you ever been struggling with something in your life that seems insurmountable at the moment and you have no idea how you’re going to solve it or make it better? I struggled with something like that in the last few weeks. I’m developing a workshop and I had a...