
Is it time to make a major career transition?  Are you feeling less than confident about what you should do next?  Do you worry that you’re not good enough or that you can’t handle the additional responsibility?

What if you knew you could not fail?  What would you do then? 

One of the things that helped me each time I made a career transition was to write things down (this works for any transition, actually) … identify what it is you want to do.  Pat Flynn likes to say, “Write it down … break it down … take it down.”  Journal your thoughts; make your lists; take each point and break it down further into smaller elements. Then, tackle each, one at a time, taking small steps toward your ultimate goal.

For instance, let’s say your goal is to transition from a corporate management role to starting your own business as a consultant within the next year.  Start by journaling about why you want to make this transition, what it will feel like once you reach that goal, how confident will you be?  What will your colleagues say?  What will your partner say? What will you wear in this new role?  How will you sound? How will this new business enhance other areas of your life?  Are there any barriers standing in your way of this goal?

Next, create a list of the steps you want to take to make that goal happen.  Who do you need to talk with?  Is there someone who could mentor you on your journey?  Who would you like that to be?  What skills do you need to master?  Which experiences do you need to highlight?  What did others who have made a similar career transition do to get there?  Who can you talk to about that?  What steps can you take to break down each barrier you identified?  Do you need help to overcome them?  Who could you talk to about that?

Once you’ve put pen to paper, your goal and the steps to get there become tangible – achievable in baby steps.  You will have created a system to follow, which will make this career transition more manageable and less overwhelming.

So, go ahead.  Identify your goal.   Write about it in a journal; document your thoughts, feelings, pros/cons, fears, strategies, tactical plans AND your achievements.  The more you write the more clarity you are likely to have about your goal.  Break down each step to smaller chunks and tackle each one until you’re satisfied it will take you toward your goal.  And, reward yourself for each success along the way.

Be patient, be kind to yourself and surround yourself with people who support and encourage you on your journey.  Making a career transition can be hard if you don’t lay out a plan and seek the help and guidance you need to get there.  Be bold and give it a try.

Make this your day … Explore ~ Dream ~ Discover


Chief Inspiration Officer | SafeHarbor Coaching | For women facing life’s transitions

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