by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Have you ever pretended at your job or in a relationship that everything is okay, when deep inside it isn’t? I have. It doesn’t feel good. And, my next guest has a story to share about her journey through those feelings and what she did to change them … This episode’s...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Do you know your purpose in life? Many of you do, I’m certain of that. But, if not, have you ever wondered what it would feel like to know it without question? My next guest calls her purpose her anchor. She has been through more of life’s upside-down moments than...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Most people have money beliefs that go back to childhood. Money doesn’t grow on trees. There is never enough. Money is the root of all evil. You’ve heard all the old adages—you may still believe some of them. Some people change those beliefs as they mature, while...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
Have you ever come to a point in your life where you notice you keep making the same choices over and over—and they aren’t working for you anymore (perhaps not for a long time)? You’re not alone. I’ve been in that boat, too. If you’re still in that boat, or know...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
This episode’s inspiring conversation is with my new Australian friend, Karen Chaston. The story shared in this episode is so compelling because many of us lose someone significant in our lives and we grieve deeply and struggle with how to get on with life in a...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Tips For The Transition Videos
How many times have you reinvented yourself? From single woman to mother. From mother to empty-nester. From corporate career woman to entrepreneur. From daughter to caregiver. And so many other possibilities. This episode’s guest, Karen Nowicki, is known as The Queen...