by María Tomás-Keegan | Choices, Divorce, Fear, Life Lessons, Women, Women in Transition
As I’m re-reading a book I love I’m thinking about how you might like it too. I’m thinking how valuable one of the many lessons is that Elizabeth Gilbert shares near the very beginning of her bestselling book, The Big Magic: Creative Living beyond Fear. Have you read...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Break down, Breakthrough, Divorce, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Life Transitions, Overwhelmed, Perspective, Self-care, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
“Even strong women break down. It doesn’t mean you’re weak. It’s means you’re human.” ~María Tomás-Keegan It also means there is a lesson to be learned somewhere. This is something I remind myself of a lot...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Choices, Divorce, heal, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Life Transitions, Perspective, Power of Words, Self-care, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
Do you remember these lyrics? “I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter …” It’s an old song (written in 1935) and it has been made popular again in nearly every decade since then, most recently by Paul McCartney in 2012. You may have heard it. These lyrics...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Choices, Divorce, Guilt, Life Lessons, Life Transitions, Perspective, Self-care, Thrive, Transitions, Women, Women in Transition
I was recently reminded by a friend about the importance of “unplugging” from those things that tend to zap our energy and leave us drained. The trick is to unplug without guilt. Can you do that? It’s one of the hardest things for women. My friend told me about her...
by María Tomás-Keegan | Belief, Calm, Celebrate Life, Change, Choices, Divorce, Gratitude, Inner Wisdom, Inspiration, Life Lessons, Power of Words, Respect, Self-confidence, Stress, Stuck, Thrive, Turning Point, Women, Women in Transition
I ran into something the other day that captivated my imagination and I wanted to share it with you. How often have you found yourself at the dinner table with family or friends around you and there is awkward silence? How many times have you or your dinner companions...